Visit this link ( to take notes and share information while at THATCamp HBG 2013 or after the unconference!
]]> encourages teachers to use/discuss games in their classroom by giving them information that details the specific educational values of games as they are released. Although specifically tailored to K12, the project is founded upon the work of THATCampers who’ve done extensive work using games “as text” in educational settings.
This project is a collaboration between HistoriQuest LLC and Harrisburg University of Science and Technology. The project has just received a second round of funding from the Ludus Project’s Games and Learning Initiative.
HistoriQuest LLC is also presently building an augmented reality application for mobile devices for a Civil War era archaeological site managed by the Georgia Department of Natural Resources, State Parks and Historic Sites at Magnolia Spring State Park, and is working on location-based applications for Google Glass.
]]>This came in from Matt Kochis as a comment on another post. Thought I should post it here as a potential session proposal, though I take it Matt is looking for whether someone else could lead such a session.
“Hey all. Can we have a session on how to evaluate digital humanities projects? Particularly, I’m interested not only on critiquing faculty projects but, more important, how to criticize and grade student projects. At a recent conference I attended this summer, I sat in on a round table discussion on Digital Humanities and Pedagogy. At the end of the session, I asked the panel participants what the range of grades were on their students’ work. None of them gave less than an A. This seems very problematic. I was hoping that we can discuss best practices and rubrics.
]]>VOICETHREAD! We would like to propose a dork short to talk about Voicethread and how it can be implemented in the classroom. We have been using it for the last year in our language classes, but we see potential in it for all courses in the Humanities: collaboration, student engagement in discussions as well as a means to present research projects.
]]>To make a contribution toward the costs of THATCamp HBG 2013, please visit
]]>Would love to present Cinemablography as a 2- to 3-minute Dork Short.
From an ordinary stack of ungraded film analysis papers was born an idea: what if, instead of just writing about film production theory, students could collaborate to demonstrate what they had learned by turning papers into films? Cinemablography is the Messiah College Communication Department’s experimental answer to this question.
Initially comprised of student-produced and directed interviews, retrospectives, travelogues and examinations, Cinemablography has developed into a semesterly showcase of student work from various disciplines in the Communication Department. It serves as a digital archive of film exploration through collaborative student efforts under the direction of Fabrizio Cilento, beginning with “Mapping the 2000’s.” This issue of the site represents the effort to document and critique cinematic tendencies of the millennium thus far – a potentially infinite project, and an important starting point for greater conversation. Projects focused on dissecting the history of the 2000s while highlighting the major innovations of the biographical, aesthetic, technological, and economic aspects of the industry. Examples include Kathryn Bigelow’s iconic filmmaking style and subsequent Academy Award; Banksy’s rogue cultural commentary in Exit Through the Gift Shop; Christopher Nolan’s cinematic reimagining of Batman’s dark themes; Pixar’s complete overhaul of computer animated storytelling; and Martin Scorsese’s tribute to George Méliès: the film Hugo, which masterfully blended old and new.
Due to the labor-intensive nature of this work students must sacrifice quantity for quality, limiting major site updates to about once per semester. Because film culture changes so rapidly, however, it became apparent that an ongoing, short-term social media and blog component would enhance the overall goals of Cinemablography. Updated weekly by student writers, the blog exists to foster discussion of current films and topics relevant to film and digital media. It reviews trailers and film scores for their effectiveness and merit; highlights the work of particular directors with in- depth examinations of their careers; and selects films made prior to the year 2000 to review for their importance and relevance to the modern film landscape. It also discusses short films, behind the scenes footage, and industry news through a developing presence on social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter. We are looking for collaborators to grow the site (specifically in conjunction with other colleges), whether as writers, web designers, filmmakers, or social media managers.
Cinemablography is poised to bridge a gap between popular culture and academia, and the students who feed its ever-expanding catalogue hope that their work contributes to a larger conversation.
If you plan on attending the Zotero Workshop tomorrow morning, you may want to register for an account online, and/or download the stand-alone version. That will facilitate our workshop. Looking forward to seeing you there.
]]>All, we’re looking for some more session proposals. We easily have enough workshops for a robust calendar on Friday, but we haven’t gotten that many session proposals for participants to consider and vote on for the Saturday unconference. Submit something today (or tomorrow, or the next!!!)
]]>I am a complete novice about digital humanities, but I am very interested in incorporating digital humanities into my pedagogy. Is there anyone out there willing to do an introductory session or a session on pedagogy?
]]>I’d like to propose a Talk session titled “Envisioning a Digital Harrisburg.” I’ve been deeply impressed with projects such as Digital Durham, Digital Harlem, and other digital humanities projects focused on the history, culture, and forms of social life of various cities. The City of Harrisburg and the surrounding Central Pennsylvania region has a rich history and cultural life. Moreover, in many respects, though we don’t think of it as such, Harrisburg is a “global” city, experiencing its own cultural and political changes over time through patterns of immigration, economic displacement, and the simple fact of its being enmeshed like everywhere else in large scale movements of capital and commerce. What would it look like to give Harrisburg and its surrounding regions that kind of close critical attention that humanists always give, and to disseminate the knowledge that we produce through the various digital tools available to us? Such a project could have the potential for bringing together a number of educational and civic organizations in the area, combining scare resources to achieve larger contributions to the cultural and civic life of the area than we could accomplish separately.
Some Questions to be discussed in this session:
1. What are the projects that individuals or institutions already have underway that touch on Harrisburg and the Central Pennsylvania region?
2. Where do those projects overlap or where could they complement and reinforce each other?
3. What are some areas of history and culture in the region that might be especially interesting to examine? Oral histories of immigration? Connections between local and national politics? Harrisburg as a center for jazz and other forms of musical development?
4. Would it be worthwhile to imagine incorporating some of these projects in to a larger scale project on the order of a Digital Durham or Digital Harlem? What kinds of collaborative models might work and what kinds of resources might be necessary? What benefits might accrue to different institutions and their constituencies?